Priscilla is a 23 year old girl who is in college, going to EMT classes, and part of the local militia. She is dating a soldier in the U.S. Army. He means a lot to her, even in their short time dating. Her goals are to become a Nurse but at the moment is seeking a General degree for transfer. Her second goal is to lose weight. She is hoping to lose a total of 60lbs, if not more. She is also a Celiac, which for those who are unfamilair, that is a life-time disease in which a person can not properly digest Wheat Gluten (gliadin). The only treatment for it is to use a gluten-free diet.
She was raised by a single mother and as an only child until about 15 years old. At that time, her cousin moved in and her mother gained partial custody of her. So, for some short time she was raised with a sister-like figure. Her cousin is 5 years younger.
She started going to college in 2006 when she graduated. The curriculum has changed from Criminology, Web-design, Police Science, and Pre-Nursing. Now, it is a General degree to transfer to a four-year college where she can obtain a Bachelors in Nursing, possibly the Masters.
Her main interests in career fields are Medical, EMT, Paramedic, Law Enforcement, and Science. At the moment she is studying to be an EMT-Basic level. She is affiliated with Bensley-Bermuda Rescue Squad and currently on her six-month probationary period.
She is also a member of the Virginia Defense Force. This is a local militia that works alongside with the National Guard and is only deployable within the state during times the governor deems them necessary.
Thank you for stopping by! Feel free to email me here.
25 Random Facts
- When I was a little girl I would wear cute little dresses and pose for any camera that was around. (I still pose haha.)
- My first experience with computers was at 12 years old. We had a desktop computer that I played a PC game on that was aimed at children. I didn't get my first e-mail address until I was 13. And, the e-mail adddress was I no longer have access to it, if it even exists anymore.
- Every single day I would talk about I grew up on that site. I stopped visiting when they started charging real money. I still have an account but my old account was hacked by a friend. I met one of my first loves on that website and we met in 2009 of Janaury. He moved in but we didn't last long. Goes to show, maybe some people should just stay penpals.
- I used to watch Sailor Moon and the first time I got interested in drawing was in 5th grade where I drew Sailor Moon (horribly). My favorite character was Mercury.
- Speaking of my geekiness, I played World of Warcraft for two years. I never got an 80 because I was always recreating my characters because I didn't like the name.
- My first boyfriend was when I was 4 years old and he was 6. He lived near me and was there for my 4th birthday party.
- I wanted to join the military all my life but was always afraid to tell my mother so I never jumped at the opportunity. Now I can't join because of the Celiac disease and weight loss.
- I used to dream about going to New York and living in the city. When you grow up, you find out just how expensive that is!
- I used to watch Jurrasic Park every friday night for a whole year if not two years.
- I played with dinosaurs and barbies.
- I used to breed crested geckos. There was nothing better than waking up to see a little hatchling out of its egg. I also used to have about 30 reptiles at one time. I now have one ball python and one crested gecko.
- I love World War II movies, books, history, etc. I even seen a play of the Diary of Ann Frank. I remember it very clearly. I've also been to the Holocaust museum.
- I love going to see the Nutcracker. I have been three times. The first time we had high-class seats and I dressed in my moms very beautiful green dress. I remember it very clearly. The music is wonderful and I enjoy the story. I used to collect little Nutcrackers praying that one day I'd undergo the same adventure as her!
- I grew up as a Disney junkie. My perception of love is a prince charming and a princess haha. My favorite movies by Disney were The Little Mermaid and Lion King. But I pretty much loved all Disney movies.
- I have had the same cellphone number since I was 16. My first phone was an old digital Motorola and then I upgraded to a Samsung flip phone. After that, I moved on to the LG Voyager Titanium and now I am on the Droid X. I like the Droid a lot but sometimes it can be frustrating to use so I keep a TracPhone for back-up and as my deployment phone. No way am I taking my Droid into a disaster zone haha.
- When I was a little girl people used to ask my mom if she starved me. I was extremely skinny, just a slender skeleton. Now a days, that's obviously the opposite.
- I had a best friend from 6th grade up to about 9th grade. In 6th grade we had ALL the same classes. But, as time grew one we grew apart. She now has a child and is married to a guy I would've never approved of. But, alas is life.
- I used to watch the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe on these old VHS tapes all the time. My mom still has them.
- My favorite person in history is Benjamin Franklin. Who couldn't love the guy? He's done sooooooo much for our future.
- I have owned many, many kinds of animals. I have owned sugar gliders, chinchillas, cats, dogs (earlier younger years), snakes, roaches (I know ew, I didn't like them either but they were food for my geckos), mice, rats, bunny rabbit, frogs, and fish. I have worked at a pet store and have taken care of almost every kind of critter you can think of.
- I volunteer to clean up the James River whenever I can. Luckily the organization has grown so much I only have to volunteer every other year.
- I have been on the news five times. One time was in Norfolk during a harborfest with my moms boyfriend's co-worker from Germany, three times was at the James River Clean-up. I got hurt one time, stabbed by glass. The second time was explaining why you should help. And, the third time was me walking through the river and cleaning the actual river. And, the fifth time I was on the news was when I explained why people shouldn't hate snakes just because one of their owners was killed by one. I may have been on more than that but, those are the ones I remember.
- My natural hair color is brown but I've been dying my hair since I was 12. I recently have decided to just let it grow out instead.
- I was in Girl Scouts until I was about 17. I became a Senior girl scout but never wanted to be a troop leader. I get long with guys a lot better.
- My favorite foods growing up were potato chips, pickles, grilled chicken, and slim jims.