Celiac disease/sprue
Celiac disease is an inherited, autoimmune disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating gluten and other proteins found in wheat, barley, rye, and possibly oats.
Check out more from the Google Health article here.
Articles that I found online about Wheat/Gluten/Gliadin
- "A brief history of wheat and why it is making us sick"
- "Gluten Sensitivity and the Impact on the Brain"
- "Studies show Celiac disease can develop later on in life."
- "Pet Talk: Show Dog knows his business, and his gluten"
- "What type of gluten intolerance do you have?" **Amazing and important information, read!**
- Easy-peasy Gluten Free Doughnuts
- GlutenFreeda - A large collection of gluten-free recipes.
- Living Without - Gluten Free Magazine
- CyrexLabs - Get tested, you never know!